By default your local timezone is set to (UTC-00:00): UTC / Greenwich Mean Time.
Remember when you set your reports to your local timezone, it only applies to your profile and not the entire account. Setting your local timezone doesn't apply to your invoice or billing. The default timezone on your invoice or billing is always (UTC-00:00): UTC / Greenwich Mean Time.
Here are the steps to set your local timezone:
1. Click the gear icon on the top right menu and select profile settings.
2. A popup window will appear, just like the image below
3. Select a new timezone from the dropdown list labeled as Timezone.
Once you select your timezone, click "Update" button. Please note that you need to logout to apply the changes.
4. Check all your reports and you should see the new timezone you just selected.
For SMS reports, you can switch back and forth to the default timezone (UTC-00:00): UTC / Greenwich Mean Time by clicking the switch button as shown below.
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