Logs provides you with a more detailed view on the messages you’ve sent. Logs can be accessed via the left navigation menu under SMS tab.

You should have successfully completed at least one SMS campaign before you can view any data on your Logs. Assuming you already have data, follow these steps to view and filter your logs;


   1. Log into the Customer Portal and click SMS on left navigation pane.

   2. From the left navigation menu, click on Logs.

   3. By default, the logs are set based on a one-week range from the current date. 

   4. Click on the date range field on the upper right, where you can select different date presets or customize your date range.

   5. You can filter the logs based from list of Filters under the calendar box.

   6. You can view all your SMS logs up to 100 records per page.




 7. You can download all your logs by clicking the "Full Download" button and a screen will prompt you to enter the date and the sub-account of the logs you want to download. 


NOTE: 8x8 system default timezone is UTC. If you want to use the exported logs to audit your usage compared to the 8x8 SMS invoice. Please ensure to toggle the "Use UTC Timezone" button


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