Once you have created your account, you will have an administrator access by default. You can manage your users such as
- Adding new users,
- Deactivating or removing users from your account,
- Giving them permissions on certain modules or sub-accounts
Adding new users
1. Log into the Customer Portal.
2. Click the gear icon and select User management
3. Click “Invite user” button at the left.
4. Enter the email address of the user you want to invite to your account. You can invite as many users as you want by typing their email address and pressing enter.
5. After entering the email addresses of the users you invited, click "Set Permission" to set the modules and sub-account permissions.
User type permissions don't have access to Pricing, Payment and User Management modules. Only admin type of permissions have access to these modules.
6. After you entered the number of users you wish to invite and have set their permission levels, click “Send Invites”.
7. Invited users will be shown as “Invited”.
9. To remove a user or to resend your invite, click on the particular user and you will see a.
10. Once a user receives the email invite link, which is valid for seven days, the user will be asked to enter his password.
11. After the user enters his password, he will be able to login to the new customer portal.
12. The user will now be registered under “Active Users”.
Deactivating and removing users
1. Assuming you have administrator access, login the Customer Portal.
2. From the left navigation menu, go to Configuration -> User Management.
3. Click on one of the users under “Active users”.
4. To remove a user, simply click “Remove user”, or if you want to deactivate a user, click on “Deactivate”.
5. Deactivated users will be listed under “Deactivated users”, while users that have been removed will be completely removed from the account. You can however still invite the users that have been previously removed.