To quickly add a number of contacts on the customer portal, follow these steps: 

   1. Go to Contacts -> Import Contacts

   2. First, choose a file to upload your contacts. Ensure that the columns in your file have been arranged in the following format: <Mobile Number>, <First Name>, <Last Name>. Do note that you can only upload .csv, .txt and .xlsx files that are less than 30MB.


   3. Select a group where you want to add your contacts. You can also choose not to add your contacts to any groups.



Note: If a group does not exist, you can start typing the name on the field provided and click on the name.


5. Click on the “Start Processing” button and wait for your file to be processed. The processing time will be dependent on your file size.


6. You can check your file once it starts processing or when it is ready, by looking at the Import History. You can choose to download the original file or the invalid rows in a single file to re-upload them.


7. That’s it! You can now use the imported contacts you have just uploaded and start sending messages.

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