Sending bulk messages will be easier if you upload a file or use our groups feature. Follow these steps to send bulk messages.


   1. Log into the Customer Portal.

   2. From the left navigation menu go to SMS Sender.

   3. Select Upload, drag the file into the dotted box, or click “click to upload” to upload the file. Your file should be less than 30MB and only .csv, .txt and .xlsx files are supported.


   4. Once the file is uploaded, define the column headers by clicking on the dropdown button on top of each column.This will allow you to define your headers such as Mobile (required), First name and Last name.


   5. You can tag other columns and create a new field name. Enter the name on the field provided, press enter and select that field.


   6. Once you have mapped all the columns on your file, click “Process contacts” to populate your contact list. Duplicated and invalid mobile numbers in your file will be highlighted. You can download these files and try to re-upload them again.


   7. To remove the file you have just populated, hover your mouse on the top right corner of the upload box, and click the close button that will appear.


   8. Type the Sender ID that you want to use for this message. We always save your Sender ID automatically, so the next time you want to use the same Sender ID, all you have to do is search and select from the dropdown list. 

Note: Some countries do not support alphanumeric Sender IDs. Should they are supported, pre-registration is sometimes also required. Additionally, we discourage the use of single spacing as this might affect the successful delivery of your messages. Single spacing may vary for different operators in different countries. Please contact our support team, for assistance with regards to your Sender IDs.


   9. Once you have selected or typed the Sender ID you want, you can start typing your message on the text area provided. Each SMS has a maximum length of 160 characters for standard characters (ASCII); if you use Unicode characters, the maximum length will be 70 characters.


   10. Remember the fields you have previously defined and tagged on the uploaded file? You can now use them by clicking “Add fields”.


   11. Simply select any of the fields you would like add to your message, making it more personalised for your recipients.


   12. Once you are done writing your message, you can save your message as a template by clicking the “Save as a template” box. To use the template, just click “Select a template” and select the template you wish to use. This will save you time without having to retype the same content over again.


   13. You’re almost done! Now, select when you want to send your message. To schedule your message, select “Schedule this message”, click the date and time field on the left, to select the desired date and time. You may schedule the message on a different timezone, by clicking the timezone box on the right. Your timezone is set to where you are located by default.


   14. After your sign up, a sub-account is created and pre-selected for you. You can change this if you have different sub-accounts, which can be created through a request to us  here.


   15. Click “Process Now” to process your message, you can choose to overwrite all existing fields by clicking “Start Again”.

   16. A final confirmation will prompt you to review your message. Typically, your messages are considered as campaigns. A campaign name is pre-generated for you, which you can override by typing on the field provided.


   17. After clicking on “Send”, the application will redirect you to the campaigns page. You can view the list of your campaigns anytime, under Analytics -> Campaigns.



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